How to order
Shipping, package and destination
We ship via Canada post by default, but if you want another carrier, contact us and we’ll be glad to arrange another shipping option for your convenience.
We ship worldwide.
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We accept credit cards via stripe- directly on site.
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About range
What range will I get with X or Y antennas?
This is a though question, we would like to give you accurate figures on this, but the real answer is: “It depend”. Hugo wrote an article on the subject that give excellent insight on the question.
I can't get past 50ft, will your antennas solve this?
Even poor antennas are likely to get you farther than this. This is about the range you get with no antennas at all or on the wrong channel. Check antennas connection and/or channel selection.
I checked my TrueRC moxon antenna with an ohmeter and it is a dead short, is it broken?
It is normal, our moxon antennas are a “tweaked” design that allow better performances at microwave frequencies. At DC they measure as a short-circuit, but operate normally at their design frequency.
EDIT: Our newest moxon (white panel) are not DC short anymore.
I read that U.FL connectors only last three connections cycles.
Although Hirose rate the U.FL at 30 cycles, we fond by testing thousands of them that they last longer than a that, especially the male side (vtx side.) It is not something you should worry about if the U.FL “snap-in” well.
What is the difference between the X-air and X²-air antennas?
The X²-air use two X-air paired together, the combined antennas have a wider horizontal beam and more gain. The compromise is in a more narrow vertical beam.
Is RHCP better than LHCP?
None are better than the other. A RHCP antenna is described as a RHCP “dominant” where most of the waves (97%+ in our case) are RHCP waves. Same for the LHCP antenna. As along as both Tx and Rx antennas are either RHCP or LHCP most of the signal pass from one to the other. If an odd RHCP to LHCP antenna combination is used, you are left with only 3% signal, you’ll still have video, but not a pretty one. Read our blog page about this subject.
I heard the cable length is important and should not be modified, is this true?
It is false, a properly designed antenna is independent of its coax cable. You can change connector and/or reduce the cable if your skills are up to it.
Will a 10.25 dBi antenna take me farther than a 10dBi one?
On paper, it is 3% more range. However, a gain specification with precision of 0.01 is hard to believe. Gain value change slightly with frequency and many other factors so a manufacturer using such precise figure can hardly be taken seriously. It’s like measuring cheese with a micro-meter.
Will a higher gian antennas on the transmitter give me more range?
For omnidirectional passive antennas, there is only one way to increase the gain: flattening the radiation pattern. This means that when pushing the range limits you will lose signal every time you bank, climb or dive the plane. Useless IMHO.
I prefer to design omni antennas with the lowest possible gain, and increase the gain in the receiver end. This way you can fly much more acrobatic without video glitches (except if you point the radiation null directly to the receiver, what is quite difficult to achieve in normal flight).