TrueRC Special Sauce

TrueRC Special Sauce

What makes TrueRC antennas different? Mostly the right attention and care for all the key parameters that make antenna performances. Radiation pattern: The Gain is a troubling figure, it’s not always the more the better, nor represent the antenna performances in a meaningful way without a map to accompany it. That map that shows how […]

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Antenna or Chimera?

Antenna or Chimera?

  Every now and then, someone asks why not connect two antennas together using a Tee or Y adapter for the benefits of both? The answer is that isn’t that simple unfortunately. Unlike batteries that, given they are same voltage, you can wire them together for more available power, antennas produce an alternating current. As […]

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RHCP or LHCP? What does it mean? Does it mater? Which is best? RHCP and LHCP stand for Right-Hand Circular Polarization and Left-Hand Circular Polarization. Circular radio waves are a bit more than just circular, they are spiral, like a screw thread. That “thread” can then turn one way or the other. Right-hand screws are […]

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